4 de Dezembro - Citação do Dia
Hidden deep in the heart of things,
thou carest for growth and life:
the seed becomes shoot, the bud a blossom,
the flower becomes fruit.
Tired I slept on my idle bed
in the illusion that the work had an end.
In the morning I awoke to find
that my garden was full of flowers.
Rabindranath Tagore
Espertalhotes: António, eduardo
thou carest for growth and life:
the seed becomes shoot, the bud a blossom,
the flower becomes fruit.
Tired I slept on my idle bed
in the illusion that the work had an end.
In the morning I awoke to find
that my garden was full of flowers.
Rabindranath Tagore
Espertalhotes: António, eduardo
Etiquetas: poemas
Cá para mim isto é do MEC... Desculpa, hermmm, do Rabindranath Tagore ;)
Não podia deixar de palpitar, tratando-se de um dos meus poetas preferidos.
Já me deu muitas horas boas e até me aturou quando tentei aprender um pouco de Bengali.
Sem resultados aparentes.
Mas ele continou a sorrir.
Este começa assim:
"On many an idle day have I grieved over lost time..."
Um dia BOM.
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