sábado, julho 15, 2006

15 de Julho - Citação do dia

O Soldado Morto

Os infinitos céus fitam seu rosto
Absoluto e cego
E a brisa agora beija a sua boca
Que nunca mais há-de beijar ninguém.

Tem as duas mãos côncavas ainda
Da possessão do impulso de promessa
Dos seus ombros desprende-se uma espera
Que dividida na tarde se dispersa.

E a luz, as horas, as colinas
São como pranto, em volta do seu rosto
Porque ele foi jogado e foi perdido
E no céu passam aves repentinas.

Sophia de Mello Breyner Andresen

Espertalhota: papalagui



Blogger Leonor said...


12:05 da tarde  
Blogger Icarus said...

So apt, at this time when military conflict is cranking up yet again in the middle east. If I can stand it, I think I'll listen to Jim Morrison's "Unknown Soldier" again later...

3:25 da tarde  
Blogger ana said...

Mybe it's time some talented poet writes an ode to the Unknown Civilian, since they've been the main targets these las few days. :((

No really a propos, nowhere man, I loved what you did with my cats.

7:18 da tarde  
Blogger Icarus said...

Tee-hee! A bit wicked really, what we Brits call 'taking a liberty'! But glad you like it. More please!

Seriously, I've had no radio/TV news today (sounds like a drug fix, which it isn't)and I fel distinctly edgy to know what's going on up in those northern Galilee mountains and beyond.

Unkown civilians...what a barbaric week this has been! You have to have some deep sickness in your soul to plan the planting of bombs on 7 rush-hour trains, then execute the plan. To what end, other than nourishing that deep sickness? Picasso left us that most lasting visual legacy in Guernica.

7:45 da tarde  

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