segunda-feira, julho 09, 2007

9 de Julho - Citação do Dia

Against Dieting

Please, darling, no more diets.
I've heard the talk on why it's
good for one's esteem. I've watched you
jogging lanes and pounding treadmills.
I've even shed two kilos of my own.
But enough. What are love-handles
between friends? For half a stone
it isn't worth the sweat.
I've had it up to here with crispbread.
I doubt the premise too.
Try to see it from my point of view.
I want not less but more of you.

Blake Morrison



Blogger eduardo jai said...

Amor ou estômago carente? Não sei... Mas desta vez a minha perspicácia diz-me que é um autor.


12:36 da tarde  
Blogger ana said...

Porque será, porque será que a tua perspicácia te diz isso?

12:52 da tarde  
Blogger fungaga said...

Hmm, há gente que nunca está satisfeita e quer sempre mais, não é?

12:22 da manhã  

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