sábado, agosto 12, 2006

12 de Agosto - Citação do Dia

The two commonest mistakes in judgement are the confounding of shyness with arrogance - a very common mistake indeed - and the not understanding that an obstinate nature exists in a perpetual struggle with itself.

Charles Dickens, Dombey and Son

Espertalhotas: joana, loca, caracois



Blogger Joana said...

Dickens, penso eu de que-li isto como citacao num sitio qualquer

12:21 da tarde  
Blogger Loca said...

Tambem me parece Dickens.

2:11 da tarde  
Blogger Icarus said...

Hmmmmm - smacks of high Victorianism, for sure.
Bit I would beg to disagree with the author - would that he/she were still alive.
We all know, don't we, that are are far graver errors of judgement in this world and amomgst us all.

5:18 da tarde  
Blogger ana said...

Well, he/she doesn't say those are the graves, but the commonest errors.

6:48 da tarde  
Blogger Icarus said...

C'est vrai! Je te demande pardon.
Mesmo assim,I think there are far more common E's. of J.

12:30 da manhã  
Blogger caracois said...

Dickens for sure

12:16 da tarde  

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