quarta-feira, fevereiro 01, 2006

1 de Fevereiro - Citação do Dia

A man who sets out to make himself is taking on the Creator's role, according to one way of seeing things; he's unnatural, a blasphemer, an abomination of abominations. From another angle, you could see pathos in him, heroism in his struggle, in his willingness to risk: not all mutants survive. Or, consider him sociopolitically: most migrants learn, and can become disguises. Our own false descriptions to counter the falsehoods invented about us, concealing for reasons of security our secret selves.

A man who invents himself needs someone to believe in him, to prove he's managed it. Playing God again, you could say. Or you could come down a few notches, and think of Tinkerbell; fairies don't exist if children don't clap their hands. Or you might simply say: it's just like being a man.

Not only the need to be believed in, but to believe in another. You've got it: Love.

Salman Rushdie, The Satanic Verses

Espertalhota: joana



Blogger Joana said...

Salman Rushdie. creio eu

12:54 da tarde  
Blogger ana said...

És tramada, míúda.

12:09 da manhã  
Blogger Joana said...

isto so prova a minha ausencia de vida social, se tivesse andado mais no rolio quando era nova nao tinha lido tanto

12:47 da tarde  
Blogger ana said...

Sim, posso dizer o mesmo quanto a mim, mas repara nas vantagens: se tivesse tido uma vida, não tinha agora um blog para rechear de citações obscuras até ao Dia do Juízo, para serem decifradas por alguém igualmente nerdy. (E não penses que dura para sempre: estás prestes a perder uma grande quantidade de neurónios, menina)

9:44 da tarde  

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