terça-feira, janeiro 17, 2006

17 de Janeiro - Citação do Dia

He had possessed for her that almost hypnotic influence which young men sometimes exert upon little girls. It was a sort of phantom love affair, subjective and fanciful, a precocity of instinct, like that tender and maternal concern which some little girls feel for their dolls. Yet this childish infatuation is capable of all the depressions and exaltations of love itself; it has its bitter jealousies, cruel disappointments, its exacting caprices.

Willa Cather, Flavia and her Artists, in The Troll Garden



Blogger Mariana said...

Não faço ideia. Posso chutar? Oscar Wilde.

11:49 da tarde  
Blogger Elsita said...

Também não faço a mínima ;o)
Onde vais buscar estas coisas, sua má?!

5:38 da manhã  
Blogger ana said...

Queria só espanquinhas, não é? (gargalhada demente)

10:11 da manhã  

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